

From ancient knowledge to modern technologies.

products created for your well-being
Created in harmony with nature.
Points of sale
throughout Italy.
years of history
Since 1977
Giorgini Dr. Martino: the history
From 1977 to present day, a lifetime at the service of people.
Vis Medicatrix Naturae
Following his graduation in Biology from the University of Bologna, Dr. Giorgini devoted himself wholeheartedly and passionately to the study and practice of herbal medicine. As a natural consequence of his passion, he opened his first herbalist shop in 1977: thus was born Vis Medicatrix Naturae.
July 1977
Veravis beads (sort of granules)
During this time, herbalist shops exclusively sold medicinal herbs that could be used to make herbal tea at home through infusion in hot water. Dr. Martino Giorgini recognized the opportunity to make these traditional products more effective and easier to use. Thus, he developed the idea of creating "ready-to-use" solutions that could be taken quickly, without having to wait for the infusion or decoction times. From liquid preparations to tablets (or better known as the famous "Veravis beads"), the transition was quick. This new trend, which was increasingly appreciated, quickly spread throughout Italy.
September 1977
The Marradi office was opened.
Thanks to this growing "fame," the demand for herbal preparations constantly increases. Soon it becomes evident that a new planning is necessary in order to continue the activity more effectively and organizedly, to best satisfy the growing demand. It is necessary to identify a large piece of land where to build a facility for production and distribution of the products. The choice falls on Marradi (Florence), a location in the Tuscan-Emilian Apennines, far from smog and urban centers, and close to sources of pure water. Even today, the production workshop of the Company is located here.
August 1985
The Extraction Method
The uniqueness of the products designed and prepared by Dr. Martino Giorgini lies in the method of processing the plants, whose phyto-complex is extracted at room temperature and under vacuum, in order to preserve not only all the active and nutritional constituents, but also the Life Energy of the entire plant.
April 1994
Opening of the Bologna office
Years of work and strong expansion lead Dr. Martino Giorgini's Company to become a reference point for many consumers and professionals in the phytotherapeutic sector in Italy. Faced with this natural enthusiasm, the Company decides to open a commercial office in Bologna, always a strategic center for productive realities in central-northern Italy.
January 2006
1,000 products developed
The Giorgini Dr. Martino product offer stands out for its richness and variety and is constantly updated. The wide catalog, which includes more than 1,000 references, allows to best satisfy all current health requests. Even today, as in 1977, the study, passion and innovation that characterize the company's reality, maintain unchanged the goal of "Making people feel good" through the healing power of Nature.
September 2016
"Nature has a powerful healing force within itself.  This is the bedrock from which my products are born.”
"Nature has a powerful healing force within itself. This is the bedrock from which my products are born.”

Doctor Giorgini